Psychomotricity Café


Next café: coming soon

At this parents' café, we'll be discussing the role and importance of movement for toddlers (0-2 years).

We'll look at what hinders or encourages them in their discoveries, as well as what promotes their safety. If you are expecting a child and would like to receive information before the birth, if you have a child in this age group and would like to discuss your questions, or if you are simply curious, you are most welcome.

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3 to 5 working days


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Animé par : Marjorie Cardaci, psychomotricienne reconnue CDIP, membre de "psychomotricité suisse"

Tarif : à votre bon cœur (prix conseillé : 15fr)

Durée : environ 1h30

Inscription : OBLIGATOIRE. Par Messenger, mail ou via la boutique directement. Max. 4 personnes


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