Courses - Workshops - Coffee meetings

- Private babywearing course given by Sophie Delessert, a PSETUA-certified babywearing instructor.

- Group "Crying and sleep" workshop and coffee given by Sophie Delessert

- Café allaitement 1x/mois led by Sarah Viquerat lactation consultant IBCLC

- Psychomotricity café 4x/year led by Marjorie Cardaci, psychomotricist specialising in early childhood

- Café signe avec bébé 1x/month led by Jasmine Buchli

* If you are interested, please send an e-mail to

Babywearing courses - themed café maman

There are 14 products.

Showing 1-14 of 14 item(s)

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Baby wellness massage workshop

Price 100.00
Earn 1 point each 1.00 Earn 1 point each 1.00
Massage has many benefits for you and your baby. During this private baby massage session, you'll leave with the knowledge you need to apply...

Breastfeeding Café

Price 0.00
Prochain café : à venir Ce café tété est dédié à toutes les mamans et/ou futures mamans allaitantes. Il est animé par la conseillère en...

Café "Crying and sleep

Price 0.00
Prochaine date : à venir Le sommeil et les pleurs de votre bébé sont souvent source d'angoisses ou de craintes ? Ce café est proposé à tous...

Enveloped Bath

Price 100.00
Earn 1 point each 1.00 Earn 1 point each 1.00
The wrapped bath technique (also known as "swaddled bath" or "langé bath") consists of bathing baby wrapped in a large piece of gauze. This...

Physiological babywearing before/after classes

Price 150.00
Earn 1 point each 1.00 Earn 1 point each 1.00
Private babywearing lessons at home* or at the boutique: Includes; discovering babywearing BEFORE baby arrives (recommended between the 6th...
Back carrying course

Physiological babywearing course

Price 100.00
Earn 1 point each 1.00 Earn 1 point each 1.00
Private lessons at the boutique or at home* : Includes; a theoretical part on the motor evolution of your baby, the techniques of passage to...
Baby photo

Physiological babywearing course

Price 100.00
Earn 1 point each 1.00 Earn 1 point each 1.00
Private lessons at the boutique or at home* : Includes; a theoretical part on baby physiology. I'll show you how to tie a knot in a belly...

Psychomotricity Café

Price 0.00
Next café: coming soon At this parents' café, we'll be discussing the role and importance of movement for toddlers (0-2 years). We'll look...

Signs with baby" café

Price 0.00
Prochain café : à venir Votre bébé est un être de communication, dès sa naissance, il s’adresse à vous à sa manière (grimaces, pleurs, cris)....

Suivit personnalisé "Pleurs et sommeil"

Price 100.00
Earn 1 point each 1.00 Earn 1 point each 1.00
Vous souhaitez avoir des clefs afin de pouvoir accompagner votre bébé/enfant dans son sommeil ? Les pleurs de votre (futur) bébé vous angoisse ?...

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